10 Years of Almost


I am coming back around to writing because, after all this time, I need it.

After all of the started and forgotten blogs, I need it.

After all of the life changes and thinking I don't have time, I need it.

After detaching from social media in a meaningful way, I still need it.

Despite being a terrible speller, I need it.

I don't regret having forsaken regular writing in the past - I was growing in other ways. 

And this time, it will be different. The process will start in my journal, as part of an effort to reembody this digital, pandemic life. The photos will reflect reality, not goals. The content will be me. And while I pride myself on standing alone in most areas of my life, forging my own lane in writing feels much more daunting.

So here we are, exactly 10 years after the start of Mr. and Mrs. Donut, to A Home Grows, then Katelyn Elan, The Columnist, and now back to Katelyn Elan. 
More than growth, the goal is consistency. Isn't that what we all mean when talk about "the practice" of anything?

*photo taken by Michael in Guatemala City


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