A New Beach Early in the Morning, Early in July

A Saturday is no different than any of our other summer days, but somehow it still feels like the right day for a beach day. We're out of the door at 8am, after breakfast, swimsuits, and a few minutes gathering all the things. We drive past our usual beach, which we love for it's expansiveness. But at this point in my pregnancy, I'm looking for less sand to have to drag the toddler-loaded stroller through.

Silas - said toddler - still protests the sand and water. He spends most of his time in the stroller, sometimes munching Pringles, occasionally whining, and asking for walks. Still, I think the sound of the waves is good for him. It's good for all of us.

I packed my book but never got it out. It still felt good to know that I had it.

The boys rotated between sand spots for digging, played the floor is lava on the rocks, and ran to the other end of the beach to explore the retaining wall. 

I'm not here to tell anyone how to pose on a beach at 31 weeks pregnant, but the sun did feel so good on every inch of my skin that it touched. 


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