Paris Day 6: 16th and South

Today was another free-roaming day, my only goal had been to find a reason to spend time in the 16th (where I stayed 15 years ago). Another day of just feeling great thanks to be outside. Thanks to hospitable service that lets you linger at the cafe for hours. (This was even more cemented after our first rushed/very American feeling lunch experience today.) We stumbled upon a farmer's market under the train we almost took, and would have missed it entirely. I bought strawberries and 2 scarves. We stopped for unplanned Starbucks and always unplanned architectural views. The non-grid layout of the streets makes for beautiful meetings of multiple buildings at any one intersection - all of them designed for their specific corner space. 

We managed 2 cafe patio experiences for our last night here - a more upscale one for drinks, and a more casual one for dinner. 

And tonight I realized that we were the only people in the burger cafe not using a knife and fork. I think I felt slightly justified to be Americans eating an American food the American way, but also, gross. Pizza was another knife and fork food here that we handled like unafraid challengers. 

Arabica for Coffee
Shopping at Hema
Pinky Bloom for lunch
Walking the 16th, getting a waffle, crepe and icecream along the way
Farmers Market under the train once we crossed the Seine
The Pantheon
Dose for coffee
Breaking at the park to eat a croissant
Walking along the Seine
Browsing at Le Bon Marche
Square Boucicaut Park
Drinks at Brasserie Lutetia
Burgers at Mamie Faubourg St-Denis


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