My Week in Screenshots

My friend Mandalyn posted this and now the older two boys are signed up for baseball this summer! I can't wait!

This remake of the Frank Ocean song Thinking About You is one of my favorites. It also takes Michael and I back to our early days in Spokane, so I had to send it to him when I was *actually* thinking about him. 

Charina Sarte has been in New York with her family, bringing all of their Parisian style with them. (Notice the boot cut jeans?) 

Erin Boyle's (of Reading my Tea Leaves) husband James shared some typical parenting moments against the backdrop of NYC. 

Latonya Yvette, as always. 

Michael's post in which our children are looking closer to pre-teen than I'm ready for. But gosh I love seeing them grow. 

So many of Strolling in Paris's stories live on my phone rent free. She is one of my favorite follows on Instagram. Lots of people reading and conversing at cafes - the best part about being in Paris. The best part about being anywhere!



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