I've Got Questions about the Sustainability Aesthetic

There is a theme of sustainable living that I've come to love, and it's this: A sustainable lifestyle means using what you or somebody else already have. 

I've struggled to understand sustainable living as a trend. The style and proponents of it are fairly homogenous, though I can't say that my exposure is extensive or all encompassing. In fact, many parts of the world probably live sustainably out of necessity, and I doubt that it looks like cream linen pants and an oatmeal colored sweater (which if I'm honest - I love). 

Sustainable living for me is going to look like patching and continuing to use clothes that I've purchased from big box stores. It will also mean being more intentional with future purchases, which I'm currently trying to keep second hand. Eventually, maybe it will mean linen and wool from a buzzy, sustainable brands, but let's be clear: clothes that are marketed as sustainable are not the only clothes worth mending, dying, and buying second hand. 

(An outfit of mostly very old clothes, which felt good to put on in new ways)


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